Here Come The Art Cars
Art Cars are mobile versions of places like Bottle Village. They caravan all over the place creating a parade-like atmosphere wherever they stop. Makes you want to run around like Steve Martin shouting about those phonebooks and just yell out "The Art Cars are Coming! The Art Cars are Coming! Every once and awhile some of these fantastic creations and their equally unique owners visit Bottle Village- it's all about reveling in the passion they share with Grandma Prisbrey.
One fellow brings a bust of Wagner along on his Art Car road trips. Visit TheDeuce of Clubs and his Art Car to see some fine photos of his visit to Bottle Village. Wagner looks right at home around Bottle Village- almost seems like he lives there.
One fellow brings a bust of Wagner along on his Art Car road trips. Visit TheDeuce of Clubs and his Art Car to see some fine photos of his visit to Bottle Village. Wagner looks right at home around Bottle Village- almost seems like he lives there.
from Jillian Northrup's Blog: Because We Can 2/20/2006A Full Set of Jillian's Incredible Photos are HERE
...we drove to Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village. This was an amazing place. Full of history and wonderful art from a very interesting woman. We spent quite a time there and I bought a 1' x 1' area plot of land there as a donation. They are having a hard time raising money to keep the place afloat- though it has been declared a national historical monument. And when you see the photos, you will know why. Someday soon I hope that Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village can get the funding and protection that Watts towers has gotten...
How hard and expensive would it be to move The
Bottle Village to The Strathern Musseum located in
back of KMart?
Who owns the land The Bottle Village is now located on? Could it be sold to pay for moving the village?
I think it would be a win-win situation as many more
people would see it and it would fit right in with Simi
Valley History!!!
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