"It's A Wrap!" said The Weasels...
We plopped down the Red Carpet just in time to greet the Emmy Award-winning trio of Road Scholars, Randy, Mike, and Don, from Rare Visions and Roadside Revelations They call themselves "The Slow-Moving TV Weasels" and then called to say they were ahead of schedule! Was it possible to weasel them in early? No problem, "Let the Tour Begin!
The Grand-Grandma Tour of Bottle Village it was. The Deluxe Prisbrey Package. They became "The Slow-Moving TV Weasels"; wandering around, weaseling into every nook and cranny of Bottle Village. Don, the Camera Guy shot miles of tape, which will be archived in "The Big Ball O' Tape". (B-BOT) Starting out as an aesthetic question-- "What do I do with all this used-up videotape?", Don found an answer, becoming the human rewind machine. The ever growing B-BOT follows along on every shoot, with Randy as the designated B-BOT hauler. It's getting VERY HEAVY, so Don bought Randy a little red wagon. Awwww... the sweetness of weasels.
Speaking of sweetness... Over the years, I've talked to dozens of media people; some very naughty, some very nice. Randy, Mike, and Don were by far, the best and most enjoyable. Combining their sense of humor with sensitivity toward "The Real Story of Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village" and achieving the perfect balance of a kid's enthusiasm and excitement along with an adult's reflection and amazement. A perfect day, I'd say.
The segment featuring Bottle Village is scheduled to air in Spring 2007. Meanwhile KCET, (LA area PBS station) carries Rare Visions and Roadside Revelations on KCET-DC (digital channel).
RVRR needs to be part of regular programming. Send an email to KCET mgmt.
1-2-3, Action!
"Three Gals in the Fountain With B-BOT"... JJ, Drew, and Katherine. The cuties on top? Sarah and Kathleen, Drew's daughters. Photo courtesy of RVRR, the Weasels